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Track valuable phone leads and capture
information about every caller

Measure customer response and ROI for
each advertisement or campaign

Respond effectively to your calls and improve
sales technique

Attract new business and convert more callers
to customers

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About Richard Seppala

Richard Seppala, also known as "The ROI Guy," is obsessed with the question: What is your return on investment for each of your marketing campaigns?" Constantly in search of the answer to this question, Seppala founded Total Census Solutions in 2005. Total Census Solutions provides clients across the country with a call measurement system that "puts the power and ease of ‘online’ precision results tracking on autopilot with all of your offline marketing campaigns!"
There is no easier way to monitor the success or failure of ad campaigns, track marketing response rates, determine return on investment (ROI) and identify strengths and weaknesses of your marketing and customer service programs throughout your business
life-cycle than with Richard's system...continue reading


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